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4 Misconceptions About Domestic Abuse in Maryland

Man clenching fist at womanDomestic abuse is a serious problem nationally, and things are no different in our state. Domestic abuse in Maryland can affect any couple or person. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions about domestic abuse that make it even harder for victims to seek the assistance that they need from a lawyer.

4 Misconceptions About Domestic Abuse in Maryland

  1. You Can Only Press Charges for Domestic Abuse in Maryland If There Was Physical Contact: This myth prevents many victims from stepping forward. In reality, you can press charges for domestic abuse in Maryland even if you were not physically assaulted. Extreme and severe verbal abuse can be considered domestic abuse in court and lead to an arrest and conviction.
  2. The State Cannot Continue a Case Without the Victim’s Help: This is another myth about domestic abuse in Maryland. Even if the victim steps forward and says that the altercation was the result of a miscommunication, the police can still continue the investigation. This is designed to protect the victims, as many abusers will force their victims to lie to the police or intimidate them into saying what they want them to say. A prosecutor can continue a case of domestic abuse in Maryland without the victim’s request to do so.
  3. Only Men Are Charged: While the majority of cases of domestic abuse in Maryland are relating to male offenders, women can also be abusers. Whether you are a man or a woman, and whether your partner is a man or a woman, you do not deserve to be abused. We are here to help.
  4. If There Is No Conviction, It Will Not Change Anything: Finally, when it comes to domestic abuse in Maryland, convictions aren’t needed for custody to change. Some people think that if they can avoid conviction due to domestic abuse charges, a divorce court will not consider the charges as a factor in a custody dispute. However, a family court lawyer is tasked with determining what is best for the child. If a judge believes that the accused abuser is violent, quick to anger or abusive, they will factor that into their decision even if no conviction happened.

Get Out of a Dangerous Relationship with Lebovitz Law

If you are interested in divorcing an abusive spouse or looking to change custody in the aftermath of a domestic abuse situation, Lebovitz Law can help. To learn more about how we can assist you, please contact us today.

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